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The Management Mirage - Things are not Always What They Seem

Dr Norman Chorn

I returned recently from a working holiday in Africa where I enjoyed some time at a well-know game farm. I was struck, in particular, by the ostrich and elephant - and the myths that surround their behaviour in the wild. It reminded me of the difficulties and challenges we encounter in managing our complex organisations.

Of Ostriches And Elephants

Legend has it that the ostrich buries its head in the sand when confronted by an enemy or something it doesn’t want to face. This is often used as a metaphor for a leader who refuses to acknowledge a particular issue or situation. The reality is that the ostrich is actually seeking out ants in an ant-hill in order to weatherproof its feathers!

The common ant has a concentrate of formic acid that the ostrich uses to seal its feathers and improve its insulation. In terrain where ants are not plentiful, the ostrich will seek out ants by inserting its head directly into an anthill.

Rather than escaping reality, the ostrich is proactively seeking out the means to increase its resilience to the cold and wet environment in which it typically lives!

The elephant is subject to the myth that it is particularly destructive to its habitat by pushing over trees in order to feed on the young shoots generated by those felled trees. In reality, the elephant is creating space in often overcrowded bush and thereby allows new growth to occur more readily. The problem is that elephants like to wander over large distances each day and can therefore return to the newly grown vegetation in due course.

When their movement is restricted by artificial means (such as human-made fences and barriers), their natural tree-felling behaviour causes destruction in the restricted space. So, the real destructive agent is not the elephant, but the human who confines the elephant to an unnaturally small feeding ground.

It occurred to me that this was a good metaphor for many of the challenges we face as leaders in our modern, complex organisations. Things are often not what they seem to be at first glance. There is usually a bigger picture - an overarching context - that provides new meaning to situations. And importantly, this new meaning often means that the appropriate response is different to what was initially apparent.

The Detail is Important - But Not as Much as The Big Picture

As the two examples demonstrate, examining the detail will reveal useful information about the specific behaviour of the ostrich and elephant, but may fail to reveal WHY they behave in that way. In our fast-moving organisations, many challenges and issues arise on a daily basis. It is tempting to respond rapidly to these situations and “cross them off our to-do list”. After all, we don’t want to be accused of procrastinating and holding up progress!

But, the reality of any complex system is that behaviours and issues rarely occur independently of their context.

In my last two articles , I demonstrated how most knowledge-based organisations are complex adaptive systems. As a consequence, they display several characteristics that demonstrate the importance of understanding the big picture:

  • “butterfly effect”
  • changes in one part of the system inevitably impact on other parts of the system
  • “systems integrity”
  • because the whole is more than the sum of its parts, each element in the system cannot be understood by simply examining it in isolation
  • “emergent order”
  • when faced with changes in the environment, the system will develop new capabilities that allow it to adapt to these changes over time.

So, when we spontaneously respond to a new challenge in a certain way because we think we know what’s going on, or we believe it to be similar to other problems we have encountered, we could be making a mistake. As in the case of the ostrich and elephant, we may be misjudging the situation and taking entirely the wrong action.

Use Systems Thinking to Generate The Big Picture

Because organisational behaviour and issues occur within a specific context, the following model is useful to assist our thinking and diagnosis of these situations:

The model suggests that we can react to situations at four levels - each with a specific implication for the diagnosis and subsequent response.

So, at the simplest level (level 1), we simply react to what we see without considering the bigger picture. As we move up a level, we begin to see the overall pattern of events. Level 3, the systems level, allows us to understand some of the causes of the event, while level 4 recognises that we can influence the shape of events by our culture and the way we think.

Each time we “go up” a level, we are considering a “bigger” picture - thereby gaining a more complete understanding of the situation or challenge.

The table below demonstrates each of these levels and the way our diagnosis and response will change as a result.

Moving to Big Picture Thinking in Complex Organisations

By understanding the big picture when we are faced with a challenge or issue, we are more likely to diagnose the situation correctly and act appropriately. This way we can successfully see through the “management mirage” which so often clouds our thinking and action.


About the Author

Dr Norman Chorn is a highly experienced business strategist helping organisations and individuals be resilient and adaptive for an uncertain future. Well known to many as the ‘business doctor’!

By integrating the principles of neuroscience with strategy and economics Norman achieves innovative approaches to achieve peak performance within organisations. He specialises in creating strategy for the rapidly changing and uncertain future and can help you and your organisation.

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By Norman Chorn March 27, 2023
In my previous article "Accelerate Performance with Strategic Alignment - Define the logic of your strategy", we demonstrated the alignment between the market and business strategy by matching the logic of the market with the logic of the strategy. The Explore logic emphasises a market where customers seek new solutions for emerging requirements. The strategy responds by exploring new opportunities and driving for growth. The Exploit logic occurs in a more stable market where customers seek lower costs and reliability of supply. The appropriate strategy focuses on operational efficiency and building close customer relationships. Culture is key to shaping the capabilities of the business to successfully implement strategy . It drives the way that people behave, decisions are made and actions are taken. It determines, therefore, the strategy that is actually realised in the market, as opposed to that which is merely intended. We make a key distinction between the desired culture and the appropriate culture. The desired culture is what people may choose because it sounds attractive and in vogue. However, the appropriate culture is the culture that is required to successfully implement the chosen strategy. Often, these can be different. For example, people might seek to develop a culture that is ‘innovative’, ‘flexible’ and ‘empowering’, but this may not be the appropriate culture needed to successfully implement the business strategy. DEVELOP THE APPROPRIATE CULTURE FOR YOUR STRATEGY Developing the appropriate culture requires a deliberate emphasis on certain cultural attributes and making trade-offs on others. As we will see, the attributes that are traded off are usually the opposites of those that are emphasised.
2 puzzle pieces
By Norman Chorn March 27, 2023
In Part 1 "How to Accelerate Performance with Strategic Alignment - Understand the Logic of the Market" we outlined different market conditions and defined them in terms of two overarching logics — Exploring and Exploiting . To briefly recap, an Exploring logic is one where customers are seeking new solutions for emerging needs. It’s all about change and action. An Exploiting logic occurs in a more stable market in which the issues are about lowering costs and working collaboratively with customers. It’s a market that focuses on stability and cohesion. FORCES THAT SHAPE YOUR STRATEGY Clearly, it is one of these two logics — or a combination of both — that will shape your strategy as you operate in these markets. See figure 1 below that describes how these logics will form your business strategy:

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